Monday, October 26, 2009

Kentucky Falls

Recently I used my googling skills to find this place - Kentucky Falls in the Siuslaw National Forest. I then used my rally driving, mileage tracking, and navigation skills to actually get there without getting lost. Definitely a bit out of the way. Just another breath taking bit of scenery that Oregon seems to have more than its fair share of, but someplace has to make up for Nebraska and it might as well be Oregon.

These photographs are dedicated to my grandfather who passed away the same week I captured them. He was also a photographer, and he would have loved to have joined me that day. While he would have been just as overwhelmed by the beauty of falls, I think, being a biology teacher and naturalist, he would have been more focused on the details of the place that I probably missed completely. I hope that when I come across a place like this I will remember him and allow myself to see more than the obvious.

Photographs Copyright 2009 Andrew Browning Photography


  1. Andrew,

    What beautiful photos! We were so sorry to hear about the passing of your grandfather. What a lovely way to honor him with these photos! I am certain he was with you that day enjoying the view.

    Allison, Brandon, and Lauren Margaret

  2. great job man, big fan of the second one
