Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Grand Cayman Island - Hurricane Season '09

Another catch-up post...

Back in early September (ahem- height of hurricane season - ahem) we went to Grand Cayman for Carrie's family gathering. Only kidding about the hurricane season part; there were no storms anywhere near us this year. The weather did, however, reveal how hurricanes come to be. I have never been in an environment that was more hot and humid, and I've been to Tulsa in August. I mean I'm Norwegian and Swedish so I can appreciate a good sauna, but this was almost too much. At least in a Scandinavian sauna you jump out and roll in the snow; who knows how the Caymanians survived before air conditioning. But, I've probably been much too harsh, given the choice between staying home and a hot wet gorgeous Caribbean island I'll pick the island every time.

Thanks to the Lee's for letting me tag along!

Not a bad view!
Sunrise to Sunset

Giant Sea Turtles (~5' dia.) at the Turtle Farm

Rum Point - A pretty cool place even if it is touristy

This is how 8 month old niece Lauren felt when mom and dad went to dinner without her.

Starfish! near Rum Point

I've got a b&w version of this on my homepage that I think I prefer.

All Images Copyright 2009 Andrew Browning Photography

1 comment:

  1. Love your photography. Happy to see your blog.
    You can tag along anytime.....One day we'll
    visit the jewelry stores in the Caymans.
