Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well, I guess I'll have a photo blog then...

So, I've come to the realization that it would be to my advantage to have my own photo blog for several reasons. First, I've actually become good enough as a photographer that I can shamelessly show off my work. Second, having recently moved away from my friends and family to a new and alien place, I feel compelled to stay in touch with them and this is how I'm hoping to do it. Finally, its looking like professional photography may have to run a parallel path with my architecture career, and it seems a blog would be a good way to establish a personal connection with any prospective clients be it photo or architecture.

Expect to see many photographs, from vacations to things I find interesting to samples from commercial shoots. Also, look forward to my super special sarcastic writing style.

I think this will serve as my introduction and my first few post (after this of course) will backtrack a bit, but I'll have some fresh content up soon eh!


  1. I am so proud of you. Great work on the website so far.

  2. Your web site and your blog look great! The falls shots are beautiful. I'm not great at updating it but check us out at http://browningfamilyunit.blogspot.com/
